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Family Life Can Be Stressful. I Will Help You Get Through The Stress Without Letting It Become A Crisis

Get out of destructive default thinking, and into intentional positive family living.


I am a Family Stress Coach. I help all family members who are experiencing stressful events, such as:

Young children experiencing big emotions they don't know how to handle
Exhausted parents of young and demanding children
Teenagers who are experiencing depression, anxiety, early sexual activity, etc.
The parents of teens who are trying to figure out how to best help but don't know what else to do
Finding out your child/teen isn't making the decisions you thought they would, or expected them to
Moving to a new location and trying to figure out how to fit in
Experiencing exclusion in the workspace, neighborhood, or school
Discovery of porn use by a spouse or child
Being a porn user (confidentiality assured)
Being the parent of adult children
And More

Any of these stressful situation and others, if emotions are allowed to get out of control, can become a crisis. I will teach you how to predict your future and gain personal control over the outcome of the stressor events in your life.


I am a Family Stress Coach. I help all family members who are experiencing stressful events, such as:

Young children experiencing big emotions they don't know how to handle
Exhausted parents of young and demanding children
Teenagers who are experiencing depression, anxiety, early sexual activity, etc.
The parents of teens who are trying to figure out how to best help but don't know what else to do
Finding out your child/teen isn't making the decisions you thought they would, or expected them to
Moving to a new location and trying to figure out how to fit in
Experiencing exclusion in the workspace, neighborhood, or school
Discovery of porn use by a spouse or child
Being a porn user (confidentiality assured)
Being the parent of adult children
And More

Any of these stressful situation and others, if emotions are allowed to get out of control, can become a crisis. I will teach you how to predict your future and gain personal control over the outcome of the stressor events in your life.


About Me

My name is Stephanie. I am a wife of 29 years, mother of 5 kids, daughter, sister, aunt, community volunteer, neighbor, friend, and coach. I have a bachelor’s degree from BYU in Early Childhood Development, and Marriage & Family Life with an emphasis in research on how pornography use affects individuals, marriages, and families, as well as in depth understanding of Family Stress Theory. And I am certified causal (finding the root problem of your issue) life coach with The Life Coach School. I have experienced almost all of the stressor events listed above personally in some way, and I can help you navigate your stressful family experiences. I use the Family Stress Theory model to examine your stressful events, and apply the CTFAR model to help you see where you can make useful and healthy changes.

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Don’t Be Afraid To Ask For Help!

Shame is a powerful emotion that inhibits our ability to connect with others. Shame wants you to hide.

I will help you come out of hiding and make the connections in life you want.

Get ready for the best days of your life!


Don’t Be Afraid To Ask For Help!

Shame is a powerful emotion that inhibits our ability to connect with others. Shame wants you to hide.

I will help you come out of hiding and make the connections in life you want.

Get ready for the best days of your life!


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